The Five Big Questions

Conducted by Ipos MORI on behalf of The Royal Foundation, ‘Five Big Questions on the Under-Fives’ will give people across the UK the opportunity to provide their view on raising the next generation. The survey contains five short questions on the first-hand experiences of parents, families and carers.
Question 1: What do you believe is most important for children growing up in the UK today to live a happy adult life?
A) Good physical and mental health
B) Good friendships and relationships
C) Access to opportunities
D) Access to a good education
Question 2: Which of these statements is closest to your opinion?
A) It is primarily the responsibility of parents to give children aged 0-5 the best chance of health and happiness
B) It is primarily the responsibility of others in society to give children aged 0-5 the best chance of health and happiness
C) It is the shared responsibility of parents and others in society to give children aged 0-5 the best chance of health and happiness
D) Don’t know
Question 3: How much do you agree or disagree with this statement?
The mental health and wellbeing of parents and carers has a great impact on the development of their child(ren).
A) Strongly agree
B) Tend to agree
C) Neither agree nor disagree
D) Tend to disagree
E) Strongly disagree
Question 4: Which of the following is closest to your opinion of what influences how children develop from the start of pregnancy to age 5?
A) Mostly the traits a child is born with (i.e. nature)
B) Mostly the experiences of a child in the early years (i.e. nurture)
C) Both nature and nurture equally
D) Don’t know
Question 5: Which period of a child and young person’s life do you think is the most important for health and happiness in adulthood?
- Start of pregnancy to 5 years
- 5-11 years (primary school)
- 11-16 years (secondary school)
- 16-18 years (further education)
- 18-24 years (young adulthood)
- All equally important
- Don’t know
Extra Question: Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your views on the early years of childhood?