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Friday 10th March 2023


Welsh Authors on Perinatal Mental Health

We had a book launch on Friday. We – Dr Sue Smith, Mark Williams and me!!!

It was a great occasion with a lovely audience who listened to the inspirational talks from Mark, Sue and me

We were showcasing – as Welsh Authors on Perinatal Mental Health, the importance of writing about it both for professionals and parents.

We were supported by fabulous companies who were so generous in their contributions. A really huge THANK YOU  to everyone

They were:

LHP Accountants who provided the refreshing drinks
Healing Crystals who provided lovely gem stones
Melin Tregwynt who provided wonderful purses
The Welsh Cake Hut who provide yummy cakes
Seren Scents who provided wonderfully fragrant luxury home fragrances
The goody bags which were handed to everyone who attended

Books we featured:

The Perinatal Mental Health Book is now in Timpsons!!

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