Blog - January/February 2024
Equality Pledge
Outstanding award!
At the beginning of January, Jane had along chat with Lisa James-Gillum, the Disabled Peoples’ Employment Advisor. Lisa was pleased to hear of our positive work and completed the Disability Confident sign up for our Company. The Equality pledge helps our Company take proactive steps towards creating an inclusive, fair and diverse workplace, demonstrating our commitment to our Team and the wider community, whilst offering accessible training to all
As a result we are proud to announce that we were awarded the Equality pledge logo

Timpson’s booklet on perinatal mental health
One of a kind – a free book supporting parents with their mental health
The booklet on Perinatal mental health continues to be available across the country, last seen in Selfridges in London! Pick up a copy for free.
There have been lovely comments about the booklet, which has simple illustrations describing the perinatal period and the importance of maintaining good mental health for the 1001 days, following the birth of the infant.
Some are more familiar with the term postnatal depression, and unsure what the word “perinatal” means, like peri menopause, it is “around the time” of the birth of the infant. about the importance of both parents’ mental health.

United Kingdom and Ireland Marce Society (UKIMS) Conference in The Great Hall, Kings College London January 2024
Late last year, I was delighted to be appointed as the new President of the United Kingdom and Ireland (UKIMS) Marce Society. One of my roles was to Chair the UKIMS conference. This involved some of the organisation, introducing each of the 18 excellent speakers who were outstanding junior researchers presenting their very novel research and the 9 excellent poster presentations. I met many exciting researchers who will be familiar to those of you in the perinatal mental health world. It was a very exciting conference with the opportunity to network and collaborate.
These unique connections means it strengthens and empowers Perinatal MH Training CIC as we learn the most UpToDate information from the very best researchers and are able to pass on that great knowledge to those we train and educate.

This photo shows some of the greatest. Professor Vivette Glover, Dr Suzanne O’Brien, me, Professor John Cox, Professor Louise Howard and Jan Cubison. All good friends.
We, Prof Howard, myself and Dr Claire Wilson are making plans for UKIMS symposia to be featured in the International Marce Society Scientific conference in Barcelona in September. A UKIMS online symposium, with 4 speakers will be featured in the conference

The poster presentations

The winning posters

It was a lovely day and emphasised that so much good work is going on in the perinatal world
Mothers Matter and Katy CEO
I took a beautiful trip across the stunning mountainous countryside towards the east of Wales to meet up with Katy from Mothers Matter. We have been meaning to meet up for ages, and finally got around to it yesterday. We spent almost 2 hours chatting about our passion about perinatal mental health, opportunities and developments, both potential and actual. Katy and her Team have done a brilliant job advancing the support provided for mothers within the community. The atmosphere buzzed with the voices of happy mothers and their infants. In the background was the sound of a harp and everyone joining in the singing. The community is blessed to have such a wonderful resource and Perinatal MH Training CIC is blessed to be associated with Mothers Matter.